The best morning routine

January 11, 2022
5 min read
The best morning routine illustration inspiration hunters

The best morning routine to boost our daily
productivity and give our day a positive flow.

โ€žI love the smell of possibility in the morning.โ€œ

Most of the time, we put a lot of pressure on our shoulder to keep up with the Jonson’s. There been written many articles/books what should we do at the morning to become a superhero. Unfortunately, it is not possible for everyone to keep all superhero morning routine list. I think definitely all kind of morning routines can help us in productivity, however not everyone has 3 hours time every morning. This can lead to self depression, underestimation or feeling inadequacy. For example for single mother is going to be hard to go for a run 10 km every morning, for her will be enough to have 5 minutes for her self to stretch. And that great to! For people who are building start up business is going to be hard to do 40 minutes meditation every day, for them is going to be enough of 5 minutes meditation just 3 time in week. And thatยดs ok too!

The best morning routine to follow

  • Drink a glass of water
  • Move your body
  • Focus on breath
  • Have a mindful
    matcha/coffee time
  • Painting/Journaling

The best morning routine illustration inspiration hunters

So let’s talk honestly about morning trends and the reality, what we really need for our growth, because everyone is special and need something else.

Morning routine tips

Water illustration Inspiration hunters

Drink a glass of water

Trend: Drink lemon water every day

Reality: Doesn’t matter if you drink lemon or pure water, the important is that you are drinking water.

Unfortunately, I have to told you, lemon water doesn’t have a magic power to lose for us weight or make us suddenly look younger. Don’t get my wrong, I love lemon water but let’s stay realistic and don’t feel guilty if you are not feeling for cutting an extra lemon into the water.
 In the morning it’s the best to start with a glass of water with or without lemon. Water will help us to get our body rehydrate after sleep. However, one glass in the morning doesn’t mean that’s all for the whole day. Drinking water is an essential habit to keep the entire day long.

Yoga illustration Morning rituals Inspiration Hunters

Move your body

Trends: Hit the gym at 5 am and do 20 burpees

Reality: Evey movment in morning after waking up is great

This is really for everyone, personal and unique. Some people prefer Pilates, the other one yoga, or gym. I personally love morning run and I have been running since 2015, however this shouldn’t be path for everyone my girlfriend love yoga in morning because running is not for her. Try to find your favorite movement in morning, if it’s stretching, running, dancing or yoga stay persistence. Show up every day and move your body.

eukalyptus illustration Inspiration hunters

Focus on breath

Trend: Do 30 to 40 minutes meditation every day 

Reality: Find quite time for yourself to relax and concentrate on your breath
and be present

Of course, the hour meditation session is going to help you keep motivated and show all yours possibilities. Unfortunately, reality is not so easy to keep up with this. Rather of putting yourself under pressure by setting hard goals, make it easy and fun. For example daily 5 minutes meditation or just quiet time when you make your morning coffee or matcha would make it just fine. 

Matcha morning routine Inspiration hunters Anna Sebestova

Have a mindful matcha time

Trend: Don’t drink coffee at morning

Reality: If you love your morning coffee or matcha, enjoy it with all senses.

My morning favorite is hot matcha latte with collagen powder. It kicks my day and I love the taste and rituals of making it. However, sometimes I switch it to coffee with oats milk and I don’t feel guilty. I am listening to what my organisms need, and sometimes it is a cup of coffee.

painting illustration Inspiration hunters


Trend: Set 20 minutes to journal every morning

Reality: Use one of your goals and spend at least 5 minutes in the morning to focusing on it.

I love journaling, however I found it difficult to write direct in the morning hours. My mind is trying to wake up, and I am not capable to write an essay how I feel if the only thing I think is my morning coffee.

So I change this perfect modern routine for painting. One of my year goals is to paint every day on iPad and so boost my skills in Adobe Fresco. So I start to do a small painting in the morning and I found it so relaxing that I kept this routine and I love it! If you enjoy journaling great do it, if not What are your goals for this year which you can add to your morning routine?

Check more healthy recipes

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This simple dish is great for lunch and dinner. Itโ€™s easy to make and you will feel healthy and full of energy after it.

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